Opening hours: Mon - Fr 9:00 - 19:00 Uhr
  • Test Bench

    Individual test bench, precise measurement, reliable results - EMEC Prototyping.

Roller Test Bench

Simulation of real driving conditions

Engine Test Bench

Development and optimization of electric motors

Fuel Cell

Performance and safety in different environments

Buy or lease a test stand or test products: Your requirements, our way!

Structural and Strength Test Bench

Durability in everyday use

End of Line

Quality assurance at the finish line

Brake Test Bench

Fulfillment of necessary safety standards

Innovative, Precise, Customer-oriented: EMEC is your project partner. Get in touch!

Climate Test Bench

Withstand different environmental influences

Development Test Bench

Optimize performance & efficiency at an early stage

Innovative, Precise, Customer-oriented: EMEC is your project partner. Get in touch!